Need an AR but on a tight budget? Build it!
Editor’s note: The war on the second amendment is VERY real. Please click here to learn what you can do to help defend our rights!
My review of the Smith and Wesson Sport model AR-15 as a budget AR is one of this site’s most popular articles. A lot of people want to buy an AR style rifle while they still can. But for many, money is tight and they may not have the cash needed to buy a decent AR. So to these folks I say, “Then buy the parts you need over time, and build it yourself!”
Before you completely dismiss this idea because you believe it is too hard, too complicated, and you just don’t have the know-how, stop! Putting together an AR is really NOT that hard. You can do it in about 30 minutes or so. And you do not need a wide variety of tools. In many cases, you can purchase a completed upper and lower receiver, and simply connect them together yourself in mere minutes.
At the end of this article I have all sorts of links and resources available to help you buy the parts and build your own AR, including a video showing you step by step how to completely assemble an AR. So if you don’t need any further convincing, skip to the bottom of this article to get started! Be sure to check out part II of this series, Premium Builds!
Now if you still aren’t sure, let me give you some reasons why I think now is the time to get this project started!
Regardless of whether you build or buy an AR, if you want one I strongly encourage you to get one now! This site is not a political site, as I believe that being prepared transcends political parties. But the “gun control” drum is being beaten loudly, and it would not surprise me to see some in our government try to strip away the 2nd amendment rights of its law abiding citizens.
These rifles have been banned before, and it can happen again. This despite the fact that a majority of Americans are opposed to banning these types of rifles. So if money is a concern but you want to own an AR rifle, then start buying the pieces now while you can!
For the purposes of this article, I will be talking about building an AR-15 that is calibrated to fire the 5.56/.223 round. You can build variants that shoot the 300 blackout round, the 6.8 mm round, 6.5 Creedmoor, or the .308 round. (AR-10) But these builds are generally more expensive than the standard AR platform. So I am just focusing on the 5.56 version for the purposes of this article. (Although there is no real difference in building them, just different part sizes.)
Keep in mind that there are rifles out there that are chambered in .223. These rifles CANNOT fire a 5.56 round. But a rifle chambered in 5.56 can also fire the .223 round. So I strongly urge you to buy a 5.56 caliber rifle or barrel.
Benefits of Building
To me, there are some big advantages to building your own AR as opposed to buying a completed one. The first advantage is that you do not have to drop all your money on it at once. When building an AR, you can buy the parts over time, as funds become available. And if money is a concern, you can save a considerable amount by building your AR yourself. In some cases, you can save 20% or even 30% of the cost of buying a completed one!
Second, when you build your rifle, you are able to customize it and build it the way you want! This isn’t to say that you cannot accessorize a store bought AR. But it is easier to do when building your own! Truth is, I have built several ARs, and I do not think I will ever buy a completed AR again. I’d much rather buy the parts that I want and build it myself!
Third, I believe you gain a better understanding of your rifle and how it functions when you build it yourself. As I said, I have built several ARs, and my knowledge on this type of rifle significantly increased when I put them together myself.
Sure, I had field stripped an AR before to clean it. But now I had a better understanding of what the pins, springs, and detents did, and how they worked. I had a better understanding of how the trigger group worked. I learned so much more by building my own AR!
Before we go any further, I do have to say that you need to check your local/state laws and ordinances to ensure you can legally own and possess these rifles. Unfortunately, these rifles are banned in a few states, and are heavily restricted in others. So make sure you can legally own one and if there are any restrictions in your area before going any further.
Parts of AR
If building your AR is the route you want to take but are completely new to ARs, let me fill you in on some of the nomenclature of the AR. This will make it easier when you go to buy parts.

It looks daunting, but do not feel overwhelmed. It’s easier to assemble than you think!

AR Lower in mid build
The only part that is serialized on an AR is the lower receiver. So in order to purchase this part, you must fill out a ATF 4473 form and complete the back ground process. If you order the lower receiver through the mail, it will be shipped to a FFL dealer, who can do the transfer for you. (For a small fee usually.) So find a local firearms dealer you trust! All other parts can be sent directly to you.
As for the upper (or barrel), the National Firearms Act (NFA) states that any AR barrel under 16″ in length (or the overall length of the rifle is under 26″ and has a collapsible stock) is considered a “short barrel” rifle (SBR). SBRs fall under the rules set by the NFA.
Note: in addition, you can have a barrel that is 14.5″ in length IF it also has a permanently attached flash hider and/or compensator that brings the length out to 16″.
SBRs are legal in many states, thought there are some guidelines you need to follow. I won’t be going through all that here, as those rules and guidelines could take up their own article. Suffice to say that the links and resources I’m listing here are for rifles barrels that are at least 16″ in length so that you do not have to worry about violating the NFA with a short barrel rifle.
You will need a few tools. You can get away with using just the following:
- a multi-tool and/or needle nose pliers
- 3 inch flat head screwdriver
- a small ball peen hammer,
- a small drive pin punch.
I would also recommend an AR wrench to help tighten the “castle nut”and a bench with a vise. But you don’t have to have them. Having a AR block which you can set you AR on is pretty handy as well. And none of these tools are terribly expensive. Yet each will help you every time you need to work on your AR. So having them available even if you buy a completed AR is not a bad idea.
Brownell’s has a decent price on a complete AR tool kit. Click here for more details.
Lower Receiver
There are four types of lower receivers. You can purchase a lower receiver that is cast aluminum, billet aluminum, forged aluminum, or one that is polymer.
I will be upfront and tell you that I have never owned nor shot an AR with a polymer lower. (Glock pistol frames are polymer.) So I do not feel qualified to give an experienced opinion on these. Polymer lowers are typically lighter than their aluminum counterparts. But there were initial concerns with polymer lowers breaking at the buffer tube threading. There was also some concern about polymer receivers being weak at the front hinge pin. But again, I have never owned nor used one.

Completed lower receiver with buffer tube spring and stock
If you decide that you want to go with a polymer lower receiver, do your home work on it! I’m not saying polymer lowers are bad. Some of the arguments against them are similar to the arguments against Glock pistols back in the 80s. And look how that turned out.
But I’m not saying they are good either. There simply isn’t enough long term data out there on them. So know the risks before you purchase one.
Cast aluminum receivers are made when molten aluminum is poured into a mold. These are typically cheaper to make and buy. If purchased from a reputable manufacturer, these receivers will work just fine.
Billet aluminum receivers are formed from a solid piece of aluminum. It is “cut” into the shape of the receiver. A forged aluminum receiver is also formed from a piece of aluminum, but it is “hammered” into shape.
Forged receivers are considered the strongest of the receivers, though many people like billet receivers because they are much easier to personalize and more aesthetically pleasing.
When you purchase a striped lower, you will have to add the parts kit yourself. The parts kit typically includes things such as the trigger group, pins and detents, etc. You will also have to add the buffer tube, spring, stock, etc.
You can also purchase a completed lower which already has these items installed.
Many times I see various companies sell “blemished lowers”. These lowers are perfectly fine. They simply have scratches and scuff marks on the outside finish. You can get some REALLY good deals on these if you shop around.
There are all sorts of things you can do to customize your AR lower. From adding in a high end trigger group, to tungsten heavy buffers, etc, you can certainly spend a great deal of money here. But when trying to stay on a strict budget, I’d skip these pricey upgrades for now.
As I said, the lower receiver is the part of the rifle that requires a background check. If ARs are banned, this will be the part that can no longer be sold legally. I have seen striped lowers for as cheap as $30. So this is the part I recommend getting first.
Upper Receiver
There are some things you need to know about AR uppers. For starters, there is a lot more complexity with the uppers than with the lowers. I’m going to give you just an brief run down of the AR upper systems, barrel types, and other terms and differences you might encounter while shopping for parts.
Direct Impingement vs Piston
There are two types of systems in an AR. The first is a “direct impingement” system. Wikipedia defines that system as:
Gas-operation is a system of operation used to provide energy to operate autoloading firearms. In gas-operation, a portion of high pressure gas from the cartridge being fired is used to power a mechanism to extract the spent case and chamber a new cartridge. See pic below….
The second type of system is a piston system. Wikipedia defines this system as:
With a long-stroke system, the piston is mechanically fixed to the bolt group and moves through the entire operating cycle.
Both systems have their pros and cons. Gas systems are usually lighter weight, more accurate, and the parts are MUCH easier to interchange. Piston systems are cleaner, cooler, and are not as finicky about ammo.
There is so much more we could cover on these two systems. But the purpose of this article is to help you build an AR on a budget. And gas systems are generally MUCH cheaper than piston systems. So with that, we will stick with a gas system.
Gas System Length
When it comes to gas systems, there is a small gas port in the barrel that vents gas with every round. This gas travels through the gas block and gas tube into the receiver, where it powers the bolt carrier group and cycles the next round. (See above pic.)
As the length of the barrel increases, so too will the length of the gas system, ie the length from the receiver to the gas port. For a rifle with a barrel of at least 20″, the distance from the receiver to the gas port is 12 inches.
For the M4 carbines with a barrel of 14 inches, the carbine gas system length is 7″.
With the introduction of civilian ARs with a 16 inch barrel, the mid-length system (9″) was brought in. So when you see a carbine system vs a mid-length rifle system, you will now know what they mean.
I prefer the mid-length gas system over a carbine system for my 16 inch barrels. Why? Because there is less recoil and the cycling is smoother. But there is nothing wrong with having a carbine system with your 16″ AR. (Especially if you use a heavy buffer.) Some folks believe that the carbine system is more reliable. It really comes down to personal preference, and I have not noticed a huge price difference between the two.
Most barrels you look at will be chrome lined, though there are stainless steel barrels as well. Chrome lined barrels are more durable and easier to clean, while stainless steel barrels are more accurate. I have owned a stainless steel barrel AR, and I did find it to be more accurate.

Barrel rifling, which gives the bullet its spin
I would usually recommend a chrome line barrel as they are more robust and will have a greater life span. If money is a huge issue, you could get the non-chrome lined barrel. Just be forewarned that the life span of the non chrome lined barrel won’t be as great.
Rifle barreling will typically be either in a 1:7 or a 1:9 twist. There are rifle barrels out there that come in a 1:8 twist. My stainless steel barrel was a 1:8 twist rate.
Wait…..what? What is twist rate you ask?
Ok…to break it down in layman’s terms, the bullet needs to spin in flight in order to maintain accuracy. The rifling in the barrel is what makes the bullet spin. The tighter the twist, the more revolutions the bullet will make as it moves down the barrel.
So a bullet in a barrel with a 1:7 twist will make one complete revolution every 7 inches. A twist rate of 1:8 is one revolution every 8 inches, and so on. The heavier/longer the bullet, the more spin it needs to stabilize. The more spin the bullet needs, the more revolutions it needs to make. So the lower the second number on the twist rate, the more revolutions your barrel will make on a bullet.
As you can see in the picture below, the better the twist rate, the larger the bullet you can accurately fire. A 1:9 twist barrel a usually a bit cheaper than 1:7 barrel, but I still prefer the 1:7 twist. It seems to handle the difference size rounds better.
If you are on a budget, I would probably suggest a barrel with a 1:9 twist to save a little money. 55 grain ammo is cheaper than the heavier grains, and a barrel with a 1:9 twist fires the 55 grain very well.
I mentioned earlier about various rifle barrel lengths. In addition to the 14.5″ and 16″ length, you can also get barrels that are 18″, 20″ and longer. But again, if you are on a budget and looking for a purely defensive AR, I would stick with the 16″ barrel. They are usually lighter, and easier to control in tight situations.
Barrel thickness might also come up. There are lightweight contours (pencil), standard M4 barrels, and heavy duty barrels. Obviously the pencil barrel will be lighter, while the heavy duty barrel will be more durable and have a longer life span. I would recommend the standard M4 as it offers the best of both worlds. But again, if money is an issue, the cheaper pencil barrel is not bad.
A word of advice here…the two areas on your AR where I would spend the most money possible to get the highest quality you can would be the barrel, and the bolt carrier group.
Bolt Carrier Group (BGC)
The BCG is the “heart” of your AR. Below is a video explaining exactly how the BCG works.
As I stated above, if you can spare the money, I would get a high quality BGC.

Gas Key on BCG
With any BCG, make sure that the gas keys are well staked with grade 8 fasteners. These are the two small hex bolts on the top of the BCG. This is important to prevent the hex bolts from backing out or coming loose due to the pressure of the gas. The bolts coming loose or out will cause a failure with the BCG.
I also want a BCG that has been magnetic partical inspected and high pressure tested. This means the BCG has been tested to ensure that there are no slight cracks or fractures in the metal.
Two of my ARs have a nickel boron BCGs. Nickel boron is a coating process that makes the BCG slicker and easier to clean. which make them much easier to clean. I also recently purchased a nickle Teflon BGC as well. More on that later. But again, this is a luxury you may not be able to afford. Just make sure the gas keys are staked properly and it has been properly inspected.
Most uppers that I see will already have handguards (or free floating tubes) in place. I really like the free floating tube as shown here on the rifle on the left. But I also have the Magpul MOE hand guard on my other AR, as shown on the right.
The standard handguard is the cheapest, though the rail guards and tubes are easier to accessorize.
Basically, it comes down to cost and personal preference. Both work well.
Other things to keep in mind
You will hear the term “Mil-spec” repeatedly when it comes to ARs. This is short for Military Specifications. For any item produced for the US military, it must meet certain standards before the US military will accept it…ie it must meet Military Specifications.
For example, Colt currently has a government contract for producing rifles for the US military. Their military rifles must be true “Mil-spec”. While Colts does sell ARs to the general public, they are close to mil-spec but not TRUE mil-spec. (The Colt 6920 is the closest a civilian can get to owning a TRUE mil-spec rifle.) Colt obviously has to make subtle differences to the civilian ARs so that they can legally sell them.
For civilians, the term “Mil-spec” is more of an industry standard dealing with dimensions and tolerances. Companies that manufacturer ARs and AR parts try to get as close to the military standard without actually having the military inspection process. This ensures that the different parts will fit together correctly.
So regardless of your AR budget, don’t get too caught up in this terminology. For example, billet lower receivers are not considered “mil-spec” because the US military does not use billeted receivers. They use forged lower receivers. That does not mean billet is no good. In fact, billet receivers are typically well made.
So do not worry too much about this or that being mil-spec. You can still have a decent AR rifle even if it is not “mil-spec”!
However, keep in mind that there are two “sizes” when it comes to AR-15s buffer tubes; mil-spec and commercial. These sizes are not interchangeable with each other. So be sure that all the “buffer” parts you buy are either Mil-spec or commercial. Commercial tubes are usually cheaper, while mil-spec tubes are stronger, especially in the threading.
It is also important to note that many companies that sell rifles and parts buy those parts from the same manufacturers. For example, CMT produces parts for companies like Colt and Smith & Wesson. LAR produces parts for companies like Bushmaster, Spike’s Tactical, and Noveske. So keep in mind that many times the actual brand of the parts you buy do not mean much. It’s the manufacturer who matters.
Links and Resources
Ok…I hope you don’t feel inundated with all this information. I know that was a lot to take in. But trust me, there was A LOT I left out. Trigger groups, optics, sling mounts, etc. Those items can be added/upgraded later, when funds become available.
Anyway, I wanted to list some excellent resources where you can buy quality parts, tools, etc. On some of these sites you can find great deals and really save some money. I have these sites listed because I believe in them and have used them. – an absolute treasure trove of information about AR15s.
Palmetto State Armory (lowers) – They have some really good deals. I check here often
Palmetto State Armory (uppers/kits) – Some really solid parts. PSA makes quality parts
Kentucky Gun Company – They have some good deals from time to time
MidwayUSA – Has some really good sales
Brownells – Great deals on firearms, parts, and survival gear
Primary Arms – Great fire arms parts and optics.
Cheaper Than Dirt – I don’t use this site as much now as I used to. But you can still sometimes find some nice deals
Full30 – Website with videos dedicated to firearms and the 2nd amendment. Think of it as YouTube for guns!
Building your own AR revisited – Premium Build – If you have more $$ to spend and want a high quality AR, click this link to learn more.
6 things to consider when buying an optic – As the title implies…
What you should know about truck guns – Like the title says
PSA AR Pistol Review – My review of the PSA AR pistol
What you need to know about firearm accessories
Best budget battle rifles – My list of top budget friendly battle rifles
Did I miss some sites? Let me know by messaging me here. I’m always on the look out for more great firearms websites and vendors!
Using the above websites, here is an AR 15 (parts) I could purchase and assemble for around $468 not counting shipping costs or the tools needed. And this is me just spending 20 minutes or so online. If you shop around, and take your time and wait for good deals, you could get it even cheaper! Please note that due to the ever changing political landscape, the costs of firearms and part fluctuate continuously. Because of this, the prices shown below may no longer be accurate.
Stripped Lower – $50 (plus shipping and FFL transfer fee)
Lower parts kit – $50 (plus shipping) Trigger system, detents, springs, etc
Barrelled Upper Assembly – $189 (plus shipping)
Upper Parts Kit – $16 (plus shipping) Ejection Port parts, Forward Assist parts
Lower Build Kit – $50 (plus shipping) Buffer tube, buffer spring, buffer, and Magpul Stock
Bolt Carry Group – $80 (plus shipping)
Charging Handle – $27 (plus shipping)
30 Round Magazine – $10 (plus shipping)
Once you have all your parts, below is an excellent video that takes you step by step through the AR15 construction process.
Now is the time to get your AR-15 if you do not have one. They have not yet been banned, and parts are still plentiful and relatively inexpensive. Don’t wait until it is too late!
For more information on building a high end AR, click here!
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“below is an excellent video that takes you step by step through the AR15 construction process.”
Broken now. But hey, 4 yr old article.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. YouTube is purging gun videos, so I went to a different source. I had to provide a link as opposed to the video itself, but it is still a great vid. Thanks
Thanks for your article, I am in the process of building a AR15 and am so confused about what is the best parts to get with there being so many options available, it hasn’t gotten any easier. Still trying to research all the options to keep the build around 400.00
Just want to chime in on selling an 80% lower that is complete. You can sell it, but you must serialized it and sell it through an FFL. That holds true to transfer of ownership to family members.
If you are a gun collector, or have unique guns, guns you completed legally from 80%, you should have a gun trust to prevent confiscation. This will allow the guns to be held in trust until legal transfer can occur.
Wow Brotha ! This is a great write up, concise with all the info I was wanting to know about rolling my own AR platform. I don’t usually leave comments but thought you deserved a real thumbs up! Great job again!
Keep Safe!
My question is on to chrome line or not to I mean all other rifles and shotguns are not correct?
That all depends upon the type of firearm.
I personally prefer chrome lined…especially with my rifles. I shoot often, and the chrome lined barrels have a longer lifespan than the non chromed barrels.
If I was to buy a “80% receiver” finish the machine work required, and use it in my AR 15 build. Would it be legal to own and/or take it to a gun range to shoot being it doesn’t have any serial numbers?
I know in my state that would not be an issue…assuming it meets the guidelines established by NFA. But I don’t know your state laws.
Federally, you would only need the serial number if you gave/sold it to another person.
“Keep in mind that if you do go this route, you cannot sell it.” What about giving it away, like to your sibling or a friend with out receiving any monetary again would that be a problem?
Apparently not…according to this article.
Am I just missing the stock ? Or is it not in this article
The stock is a part of the lower build kit. I did not go into great detail on it, (for the same reason I didn’t go into great detail on triggers, optics, etc) but I did include a link to it in the article.
Get building your self 1 or 3 now,the left wing gun control nuts got there teeth dug into a new ban and are not going to let go thanks to a few terrorist assholes
Like the MANY terrorist assholes, in our society and many more in the outgoing Obama administration. We have thousands of terrorists in the U.S. Lots of them IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND EVEN IN DEFENSE, CIA, FBI, NSA, HOMELAND. That is why Trump has no trust in these agencies. They are currently full of traitors.
NOW, problem is registered lowers = confiscation later. I don’t keep an NRA membership due to confiscation of member lists. Remember the CA mfg. who was selling legal lowers without #s. Had ALL their customer lists seized.
WE won an election or battle, but the war is soooo far from over. Look at how our enemies are rioting, protesting, and distributing an agenda to continue destroying America. Go check the site “Writers Resist” if you want to get the point. Dirty little bastards.
Patriots need to develop an underground operation to teach thousands how to gunsmith.
I absolutely LOVE this article!! Vox is a left leaning website. So it surprises me that they published it. But it is certainly spot on!
Hey bud! Would price be approximately the same to build myself an AR 10? Thanks!
No. AR-10 parts typically are higher than that of the AR-15. And after the terror attack on 6-12-16, the prices are jumping almost daily.
I really enjoyed this article. I am pretty much just getting into the gun game, so my knowledge is very limited.
With all the crap happening in America today, I figured it was time to start arming myself and my family. Over the last year I have purchased 3 pistols, 2 concealed carry pistols for me and my wife and 1 full size to keep in the bedroom.
The next thing I wanted to do is buy an assault rifle. I wanted to get one fully assembled, but our septic system failed at the house and that is taking the 5k I had saved up for purchasing anything. So, that led me to searching for info on building one a piece at a time.
This article was excellent for me because of my lack of knowledge on how the parts worked. I have read alot of pieces lately, but must admit that I was unfamiliar with half the stuff they were talking about. I know alot comes down to just personal preference on alot of it and not everyone will agree on someone else’s outcome.
My biggest decision right now is whether to get a 553/.223 or a 762/.308 . Everyone I have spoken with says they will go with the .223, especially if it was going to be used for home defense. I can understand that, but that’s what my pistols are for. I am a fan of the bigger the better on this part, which is just my preference. To me, my end goal is to build one that will take the .762 round and have a 20″ barrel. That probably sounds pretty stupid to all, but it is what I would like the final product to be.
Anyway, just wanted to say thank for the excellent article and taking time to write it so someone like me can understand it.
– Dennis
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for visiting the site. I’m glad the article was helpful. I have built two so far and my goal is to build a SBR in the future.
As for building an AR-10 versus an AR-15, it really comes down to what you want and what you plan to use it for.
I would never use an AR for home defense. (It sounds like you would not either.) But if someone lives out in the country, their situation may be different than mine.
I will say that building an AR-10 will be more expensive than an AR-15, but otherwise I think the process is about the same. I have never built an AR-10, but the parts are the same, only bigger. But if you want a .308 as opposed to a 5.56, there is nothing wrong with that.
I do want to let you know that you cannot legally buy or build an “assault rifle”. At least not without jumping through A LOT of legal hoops. 😉
“Assault rifles” are the M4A1 carbine used by the US military. They are fully automatic and capable of firing around 950 rounds a minute. The civilian AR-15 (or AR-10) is a semi automatic rifle capable of firing around 50-60 rounds a minute depending upon your skill level.
The term “assault rifle” was first used in the 80s as a political term by the “anti-gun” lobby. Unfortunately, the general public did not really understand the terminology, and the anti-gun lobby played up on that and the term stuck. These rifles account for less than 2% of all gun crime, but that doesn’t matter to those who have an agenda against firearms. Ok…I’ll get off my “soapbox” now. 🙂
Interesting read. My only comment is a minor critique. The notation for inches is “. The notation for feet is ‘. I mention this just because I don’t think your barrels are 14 feet long. 😉
Many thanks for writing this, I hadn’t even thought of just building one before.
Thanks…oversight on my part. I’m not sure folks would want to build a howitzer. LOL
I have received some emails asking about 80% receivers. These are lower receivers that are 80% complete. They still need to be drilled/machined out to work. Because of this, you do not need a background check to purchase. These lower receivers do NOT have a serial number. However, you will need the drill press/jig and end mill to complete the process. These tools can cost a few hundred bucks, which from a cost stand point seems prohibitive if you are on a tight budget.
Keep in mind that if you do go this route, you cannot sell it. Well, you can, but you have to engrave a serial number on it and fill out a bunch of paperwork.