Author: James L


Long term power outage? What to eat first

I’m sure that every single person who lives with electricity has, at one time or another experienced a power outage. Or at the very least woke up some morning with all of their clocks flashing 88:88. The occasional power outage is just a fact of life. Now some folks, like myself,...


Bullying – What you need to know to protect your kids

Years ago, the bully was the big kid who terrorized us during recess or tried to “extort” our lunch and milk money. It was considered a rite of passage and “just a part of growing up”. But bullying has now been characterized as a devastating form of abuse and harassment,...


EDC Holster Review – Tactical Rig Osborn Holster

I am a firm believer in having a self-defense type weapon as a part of your EDC. (Every Day Carry). And I also advocate carrying that weapon concealed. While I carry a Glock 23 with a Streamlight Tactlite on duty, off duty I prefer something that is much easier to...


EDC Gun Review – Sig P238

A few months back, I decided that I wanted to upgrade my EDC off-duty carry pistol. At the time, I had a Smith and Wesson Bodyguard. And while it was a decent, quality firearm, I did not like the LONG trigger pull. So I decided I wanted to make a...


10 Misleading Food “Labels” and What They REALLY Mean

Part of being prepared is keeping your mind and body in decent shape. Eating right and exercise should be something you do every day. But sometimes that is not always easy. Especially when you aren’t sure if what you are eating is really healthy or not. Hopefully this article will...


Emergency Preparedness for your Pet(s)

If you are like me, you probably have a pet. For me, my pet is a part of my family and has been included into my preparation plans. I would NEVER think of leaving him behind in a disaster. (He was also my partner for years, and at times risked his...


Flood Preparedness – What you NEED to know

Flooding is the #1 most common type of natural disaster worldwide, accounting for almost 40% of natural disasters. In terms of fatalities, it is the leading cause of natural disaster deaths. 44% of all people killed worldwide due to natural disasters/weather are killed due to flooding. In 1931 alone, over 3.7...


Prepper Budget Rifle Review – S&W M&P 15 Sport

The AR-15 is the most popular sporting/military style rifle sold in the US. Millions have been sold over the past several years, and that number continues to grow. As the popularity of the AR platform increases, so have the number of manufacturers. For those who are new to prepping or firearms, trying...


Water and Boating Safety Tips to keep your family safe!

Summer is just around the corner. So for millions of Americans that means the beginning of “Beach” season. Whether they are headed to a lake, the ocean, or even a river, people love the water. It is a great vacation destination. Though you might be on vacation, your preparedness should...