Category: Food/Water


Is it too late to prep?

I received an email yesterday from a gentleman. His premise got me to thinking. The gist of the letter was that this guy had put “preppers” into the crazy category. He said he had scoffed at the idea of stockpiling food, gear, weapons, etc. He said he labeled it “nonsense!”...


Water Purification for Survival

Editor’s note: Please welcome Patrick Morrow to the site! Patrick is a freelance outdoor writer. His main focus is on fishing, but he also covers survival, prepping topics, and completes several survival challenges each year. When you find yourself in a survival situation, water should be one of your top priorities....


Prepper Food Storage Review – Valley Foods

When outside companies ask me to do a review of their products, I sometimes have just a little bit of trepidation. For example, what happens if the company sends me their product and I do not like it? That could lead to some awkward moments. So I have tried to be...


How to start prepping in 5 easy steps

I receive emails quite often from people who are new to prepping. A few says they have thought about it for a while, but haven’t really got started. I’m sure it can feel like a daunting and overwhelming process to the beginner. But it does not have to be. Being prepared...