Category: Information


How much ammo in your bug out bag?

I have always believed that when it comes to bugging out, (click the link to learn about when it’s time to bug out) speed is your friend. I have written articles in the past stressing the need to keep your Bug out bag/Get home bag, light weight. The faster you...

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7 Ways You Can Survive And Thrive In A Tiny House

Editor’s Note: Please welcome James Burnette from In his guest post, James talks about surviving in a “Tiny House”, and why is a good idea. After reading this article, be sure to view the video tour of his tiny house at the bottom of the page! I’m here to prove to...


10 Hacks for Homesteading with Almost No Money

Editor’s note: is happy to welcome Jack Neely to the site. Jack has a lot of experience as a homesteader and “life hack” guru. Jack is a fitness expert, survivalist, and world traveler. Homesteading is about being self-sufficient and self-reliant. To do this, you need to figure out some hacks...


How to know when it is time to bug out

I receive emails from time to time asking about how you will know when it is time to bug out. This is not always an easy question to answer, as many emergencies strike without warning, and typically the situation remains fluid. I am a big proponent of riding out most emergency scenarios...


Safety and security tips for Uber

Uber (Uber Technologies Inc.) is an American multinational on-line transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile app. This app allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. As of...


5 Gun Myths Dispelled

If you are like me, you love watching exciting “Action” movies. Who doesn’t love a good movie scene with an exciting car chase and lots of explosions? Unfortunately, many times what we see in the movies is NOT what happens in real life. Firearms are no exception. In fact, many...


How to start prepping in 5 easy steps

I receive emails quite often from people who are new to prepping. A few says they have thought about it for a while, but haven’t really got started. I’m sure it can feel like a daunting and overwhelming process to the beginner. But it does not have to be. Being prepared...


What you need to know about stockpiling ammo

Previously, I discussed how to protect your ammo storage long-term. If you missed it, be sure to check it out by clicking here. Now, I want to discuss building your stockpile of ammo. Maybe I should have written this first, but regardless, here it is. 🙂 I’ll look at the...


How Prepping can lead to personal growth

Over the past few years, I have noticed a few changes in myself as I continue prepping. I would like to think that most of them are positive, and have contributed to making me a better person. At least I hope so. I noticed that I do not buy items...