Why you need to carry/conceal ALWAYS – An editorial
Two mass shootings in one day. Thirty one innocent lives taken. A tragedy that is unfortunately, becoming common place in our society. And of course there are those who will try to exploit this for their own political gain.
This is another tragedy in my opinion, as these shootings go beyond political ideology. For every white supremacist like the El Paso shooter or Christchurch shooter, you have left-wing radicals like the Dayton Ohio shooter or the idiot who attacked the ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington. (They will rename nameless here.)
I read the El Paso shooter’s manifesto. I do NOT advocate nor condone what he espouses in it. I believe that all men and women should be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness regardless of race, sexual orientation, etc. You do you, and allow me to be me. It’s pretty simple.
However, I am posting his manifesto here because we have much to learn from it. I do NOT post this for any sort of political reason. I ask everyone to read the part between the red lines, posted below. The shooter spells out exactly why he and every other mass shooter pick the targets that they do to carry out their evil schemes. They pick their targets because they are SOFT! They picked them because they believe that the general population in those locations are unarmed, and that they were defenseless. While I disagree with his message, there is a part of it that EVERYONE should learn from.
I want to explain why gun control is a crock, and why you should absolutely join the fight in protecting the 2nd amendment. I have written on this many times. If you missed those articles, I will have links below on a bunch of different firearms related articles. I ask that you read them.
I will stress again, in the highest manner possible, that YOU are ultimately responsible for your safety and well-being. You are your first line of defense.
When seconds count, the police are minutes away. There is so much truth to this, and I am a law enforcement officer! We cannot be everywhere at once. We cannot protect everyone all of the time. Some times, you have to step up and protect yourself.
If you do not own a firearm, why not? If you do not train with your firearm, why not? If you do not teach family members firearms safety, why not? Is your life/their life not worth it?

Sick and evil mind explains why he picked the soft target he did!
When I posed this question to an anti-gun friend one time, their response was “Well, I want to feel safe. The gun scares me.”
My response was two-fold. First, I explained to them that feeling safe does not make them safe. I bet no one at the Wal-Mart in El Paso felt unsafe before the shooting started. They were just going about their day. And yet they were not safe.
In fact, the crime stats from the FBI should tell you just how unsafe you could possibly be in the US:
- One property crime happens every 4 seconds.
- One burglary occurs every 20 seconds.
- One violent crime occurs every 25 seconds.
- One aggravated assault occurs every 45 seconds.
- One robbery occurs every 90 seconds.
- One rape or attempted rape occurs every 5 minutes.
- According to a United States Department of Justice report:
- 38% of assaults & 60% of rapes occur during home invasions.
- Over 2,000,000 homes will experience a break-in or burglary this year.
- There are over 4,500 home burglaries per day in the United States.
- The average number of home invasions per year was 1,030,000 between 1994 and 2010.
I’m not saying this to frighten you. I’m saying this to try and explain why “Feeling safe” doesn’t make you safe! Please note how many assaults and rapes occur during home invasions. Even in your own home, you need to take measures to protect and defend yourself.
The second point I made was that the gun is a tool. It is an inanimate object. It isn’t the gun that kills people, it’s the person behind it. I told the friend that over 33,000 people a year in the US are killed in car accidents. (More than gun violence.) Why was he not scared of his car?
“I drive every day. I know how to drive. I’m used to it.”
“So you practice with your vehicle…..Wonder if there is a correlation?”
I think most rank and file preppers understand the need to be ready and prepared for whatever life throws at you. So for most of you, I am probably “preaching to the choir”. But if you have friends/family that do not understand this, please share this article with them.
As a law enforcement officer with over 21 years experience, I have seen more than my fair share of violence. I’ve seen murders, rapes, armed robberies, savages beatings, etc. I have seen first hand what evil men can and will do. I chase these evil men and women every day. So I promise you from personal knowledge and experience, YOU must be your first line of defense. YOU must be the first line of defense for your family. And this starts with a defensive mind set and firearms training!
Closing your eyes and pretending evil and violence does not exist does not stop it! So please, carry a concealed firearm (legally) every day. Train with it regularly. Keep your head up and on a swivel…ie maintain situational awareness. And finally, fight for your right to keep and bear arms!
For more on these topics, please check out the following links:
8 tips for first time gun buyers
7 rules for carrying your concealed firearm
5 problems novice gun owners may experience
Best budget battle rifles for preppers
What you need to know about “Truck Guns”
9 firearm training tips to help you survive a deadly encounter
Top 5 carry/conceal handguns under $500
War on Second Amendment is Real
2nd amendment battle in Virginia
Preparing for a possible gun ban
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I just hope that this conversation reaches more ears and open minds. politics is driving us all apart and most people just wanna get on with their lives. until the next tragedy comes along and we get caught unprepared without the necessary training or preventive measures and the means to fight back.
you’re fighting the good fight. consider me a subscriber or follower.
Across the board, this article makes sense. However, unless I am facing an imminent life threat in an active shooter incident, I will not draw. I will leave by the most expedient means. Why, because if I draw and the first cops on scene see me with a weapon, they will shoot me because they don’t know I not THE shooter. They just see a guy with a gun where shots have been fired.